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Former US Assist. Sec. of Defense, Dr Paul Stockton, discusses the US’s ability to deter coercive information operations and cyberattacks.

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Dr Stockton argues that the US should pursue two complementary strategies to help deter adversaries from using information operations (IOs) and cyberattacks to coerce US and NATO decision-making in future crises:

Under deterrence by denial, improvements in defenses against information operations can increase the difficulty of conducting coercive campaigns and reduce the benefits that adversaries can hope to achieve by launching them. Under deterrence by cost imposition, potential attackers are deterred from striking because they fear that the victim’s response will inflict unacceptable cots on them.

Dr. Stockton will explore how new US and allied information warfare initiatives can strengthen both forms of deterrence.

Dr Paul Stockton Biography

As Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs from 2009-2013, Dr. Stockton led the development of DOD’s Strategy for Mission Assurance, guided Defense support to civil authorities in Superstorm Sandy and other disasters, and deepened US security partnerships with Canada, Mexico, and other Western Hemisphere nations.

Dr. Stockton holds a PhD from Harvard University and a BA from Dartmouth College. He was twice awarded the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service, DOD's highest civilian award.

Dr. Stockton currently helps industry and government leaders strengthen US resilence against cyberattacks and information operations. Dr. Stockton also leads Paul N Stockton LLC, a strategic advisory firm in Santa Fe, NM.

His recent publications include Resilience for Grid Security Emergencies: Opportunities for Industry-Government Collaboration (June 2019), Securing the Grid from Supply-Chain Based Attacks (September 2020), Strengthening the Cyber Resilience of America’s Water Systems: Industry-Led Regulatory Options (August 2021), and Defeating Coercive Information Operations in Future Crises (August 2021).