The Kjetil Hatlebrekke Memorial Book Prize is sponsored by The King’s Centre for the Study of Intelligence (KCSI). It was set up to honour the life and work of the late Dr Kjetil Anders Ely Hatlebrekke, Norwegian practitioner-scholar, with 33 years of service to the Norwegian Armed Forces and Intelligence Service. Apart from his illustrious career in government, Dr Hatlebrekke authored the 2019 book ‘The Problem of Secret Intelligence’ - a deep fusion of the philosophy of knowledge and real-world intelligence experience.
The Prize aims to recognise scholarship on non-Five Eyes intelligence cultures and systems. It encourages scholars to go beyond traditional lines of inquiry and explore how intelligence organisations and professionals conduct intelligence across Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
The Committee will accept self-nominations as well as nominations by others. It will consider monographs about non-Five Eyes intelligence cultures. It will consider publications from 2022 and 2023.
For the last winner, check: Kjetil Hatlebrekke Memorial Book Prize - 2024