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Call for Nominations for The 2024 Polly Corrigan Book Prize


Di Cooke is a PhD candidate at King’s College London in the Department of War Studies and an OSINT researcher at the Centre of Science and Security Studies. Di’s doctoral research focuses on the intersection between OSINT, the digital threat landscape, and AI.  She acts in an advisory capacity to actors in the technology sector as well as the security industry on their responses to these developing dynamics and is a listed AI & Security expert for the US Congress.  Di’s work in OSINT investigations has led to collaborations and training with governmental, private, and third-sector organizations to further advance their OSINT-led approaches and address the overarching challenges or issues they face.


  • Emerging Technology, including Open Source technology
  • AI & Security
  • Strategic Deception & Counterdeception
  • Intelligence Studies, specifically counterintelligence
  • Web Science, including the impact of digital culture on security & intelligence
  • Science & Technology Studies, including the co-production of tech and securitization